Monday, September 16, 2024

Vetted Deals 2024

Vetted Deals 2024

Vetting is a thorough and diligent review of a prospective deal prior to an investment decision. Vetting of potential deals is a common practice for lawyers of investors where past business results, costs and personal relationships all figure into the final deal investment decision.

Vetted Deals 2024 will be a database of vetted deals available from throughout the world and the New Economy. The database will be accessible by subscription and password only. To place a vetted deal into the database it must be approved with a fee based upon specifications of the vetted deal. The database will be available in the 3rd quarter of 2024 and is currently taking subscriptions starting in that period. For additional information please contact .

Deals Resources (Vetted and Unvetted):

4 Sucessful Vetting Strategies for Off-Market Deals

Issuance - Deal Marketing Platform 

Venue - Share Critical Content by Donnelley Financial Solutions

Vetted Definition - Investopedia

WBT Innovation Marketplace Chooses 100 Investor Vetted Deals